In a ghastly incident, a woman in Mumbai was set on fire by a man after she reprimanded him for sexually harassing her daughter on April 14.

Amravati Harijan was allegedly attacked by 25-year-old Deepak Jeth as he poured petrol on her and set her on fire at 11 am outside her house, reports The Times of India

According to Harijan’s daughter, Jeth first poured petrol on her and tried lighting her on fire but she escaped and washed away the petrol using water. However, by the time she returned, Jeth had set her mother, her neighbour and neighbour’s 2-year-old daughter on fire.

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While Harijan sustained 95% burns, the other woman sustained 30% burn injuries and her baby sustained injuries in her hand and legs. Amravati will need to undergo an expensive grafting surgery to completely recover.

Reportedly, Jeth had repeatedly harassed Amravati’s daughter by flashing his private parts at her despite several attempts made to stop him. According to the police, Jeth held a grudge against Amravati as she had humiliated him publicly, reports Hindustan Times

The Bandra police has registered an FIR against Jeth who has been booked for attempt to murder.