Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who is also the world’s richest man, just added £10bn ($13bn) to his fortune in a single day. With this, Bezos is now estimated to be worth $189.3bn (£148bn).

Even as the U.S. entered its worst economic downfall since the Great Depression in 2020, Bezos’ fortune increased from $74 billion to a whopping $189.3 billion. Unbelievable!

According to Bloomberg, Amazon shares are up by 70% this year and the daily jump in the 56-year-old billionaire’s wealth is apparently the biggest ever jump that has been recorded by Bloomberg’s billionaire tracker

One of the major reasons his company, Amazon, has reaped benefits is due to the coronavirus lockdown. For obvious reasons, people are increasingly buying online and avoiding shops.

Twitter users had a few things to say about this piece of information. 

Guess what, now his personal wealth reportedly exceeds the value of huge multinational companies like Exxon Mobil Corp., Nike Inc. and McDonald’s Corp and is roughly on par with the GDP of Iraq.

It’s 2020, anything is possible.