The Lok Sabha 2019 Elections are all set to start from April 11. And while there are around 10.35 lakh polling stations in India, we’re intrigued by the one in Tashigang, Himachal Pradesh for being the highest polling station in the world. 

Yes, the world’s highest polling station is in India!

According to a report by HT, the highest polling booth is located in the village of Tashigang, Himachal Pradesh which lies at an altitude of 15,256 feet. The village of Tashigang is situated in the Spiti valley, which lies less than 30 kilometers from the Indo-China border.

This polling booth falls in Buddhist-dominated Lahaul-Spiti under the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency that will caste their vote on May 19. It will cater to 48 voters.

Tashigang village has a road which is closed almost throughout the year due to snowfall. According to reports by HT, Lahual-Spiti deputy commissioner-cum-district electoral officer Ashwani Chaudhari said that the road connectivity will be restored once the weather improves. He further added by saying, that voters will not face any difficulty in reaching the polling booth as all necessary facilities have been taken care of.

Previously, the highest polling station was located in Hikkim, which lies 160 kilometers away from Tashigang village.