There are usually 3 categories of animal lovers: dog person, cat person and those who refuse to be mainstream and dream to adopt a tiger. If you have ever wanted to have a tameable exotic pet, then the National Zoological Park in New Delhi has heard your wildest (wink!) dreams.

According to reports, they are looking into the possibility of launching an animal adoption scheme for a lot of their animals. It’s not the first and only attempt to do so, a lot of zoos across the country have launched similar schemes where a citizen can ‘adopt’ an animal of their choice. Think of the possibilities. A lion? An elephant?

The process is insanely easy. All you need to do is pay a sum that has been fixed by the zoo authorities, this money will be used for your pet’s expenses including meals and medication. From there on it only gets better. Your name is displayed on the cage, you get a proper adoption certificate and free entry to the zoo for an entire year!
But here’s a caveat, you do not get to take it home, people. The money you spend shall be used for the animal’s care.

If that still doesn’t sound good enough, you also get invited to the animal’s birthday party. Does it get any crazier?