To all the men who coyly glance at their reflection each time on passing a shop window (we see you!). The fact that you’re putting in the effort to look a certain way is a major turn-on for us. But then are you doing it right? Getting too comfortable with your usual grooming routine can sometimes also sound the death knell for your dapper looks.
Fortunately, this is avoidable. So sit back and read up as we list down 7 toe-to-face grooming faux-pas we wish you stopped making. Thank us later!
1. You’re not moisturising before bed.
2. If you’re doing the ears, you may as well take a pass at the nose.
3. Please keep it trimmed, there too!
We’re all living for the beard! But flaunting hair down there might not be attractive for a lot of women. Of course, it’s your body, so you get to decide how to treat your private body parts. The trick here is to keep it tidy and shaped, so not only your partner is more comfortable, but even you feel hygienic. The Philips body groomer is your go-to tool for this. It gives desired trimming results in practically no time. And it’s super convenient to use.
4. Is that oil dripping from your hair?
5. How many years have you been wearing that fragrance for? We assume 100!
6. So you think you’re tougher than the sun eh?
7. Are you forgetting your feet?
Of course, you are. Or how else do you explain the cracked heels and dirty toenails? We all tend to care for our feet lesser than any other part of our body, but that is no excuse to keep it unclean. Dipping your feet in warm water and exfoliating them with a filer every now and then is actually a pretty good idea. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to clip your nails as well.
The best part about the body groomer is that it comes with a skin protector which makes it safer than scissors, razors or blades. It is also bi-directional, so you don’t have to worry about getting any rashes, cuts or nicks while clearing out any corners. Check out the product and own your grooming game.