Harsh Kedia, a Mumbai-based entrepreneur, author, and a chef, recently took to Instagram to share an incident he witnessed at an airport. It’s about a family sitting and eating comfortably at a cafe, while their domestic help was left alone.
Harsh wrote in the caption that he did offer a seat to the domestic help hoping to see that the family would understand or at least acknowledge, but they didn’t.
They turned away and continued to eat their expensive airport food.
The incident exposes the ugly side of our society where this discrimination is deeply entrenched. From helping us in household chores to running market errands for us, domestic workers make our lives easy and what are we giving them in return?
Instead, we are taking away their basic rights.
This post prompted people to talk about such incidents they have seen around them.
This is not a standalone instance. Every now then we see people making their domestic helpers sit on the floor in metro trains, at homes, keeping separate utensils for them and even abusing them at times.
Why make them cook food, if you can’t sit and eat with them? Why let them take care of your kids, if you can’t be humane to them?
It’s 2021 and we are still doing this. Unbelievable.