In a development that had the entire world hold its breath, voters in Britain, in a referendum on whether to remain in the European Union, voted against it.

This was a big development and like all major nations, India too had its eyes on the referendum because it’s going to affect it. There are regular Indians, and then there is Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, who too was following the development very closely. But for very different reasons.

And thanks to Brexit, he has found in Britain what he wants in Delhi. A referendum for an exit. 

So just like Britain opted out of the European Union, Kejriwal wants Delhiites to vote for being granted full statehood.

Soon after Brexit was confirmed, Kejriwal tweeted:

No marks for guessing who the tweet is directed at


What’s amusing is, some were expecting just that even before he tweeted

And not suprisingly, Kejriwal’s tweet got him trolled:

And also got him some taunts