On Independence Day, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat decided to unfurl the national flag at a government-aided school in Kerala’s Palakkad district. Bhagwat went against the district collector’s memo that it was inappropriate for a political leader to hoist the flag.
India Today reported that the district collector had sent out a missive saying, “Since the school is supported by the state, it is inappropriate for a political leader to hoist the national flag in an aided school.”
The memo that had been issued on Monday night to the Karnaki Amman School management also specified that only a teacher or an elected representative can hoist the flag. Reports said that the collector was only reissuing a state government directive.
However, BJP members challenged the Collector’s order, insisting that Bhagwat will hoist the flag. RSS supporters, who run the school, had invited Bhagwat as the chief guest at the Independence Day event.
#BREAKING — RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat defies order, hoists flag in Kerala’s Palakkad School | @Neethureghu with the report pic.twitter.com/8hRnatcfuw
— News18 (@CNNnews18) August 15, 2017
A News18 report said that management claimed that no rules had been violated. They claimed that the Collector’s order stated that the flag hoisting should be done by a public figure in the presence of the principal and school officials.
Bhagwat is visiting Palakkad for a two-day RSS meet. The RSS and BJP have been trying to penetrate the Kerala political scenario for some time now while violence continues between RSS and the Left members.
Feature image source: PTI