On Wednesday, the Delhi government suggested exempting vehicles from the odd-even restrictions if they happen to have a child in school uniform travelling in them. But how does one know for sure who are the parents who were coming home after dropping their kids or going to pick them up?
As this journalist pointed out on Twitter, it’s a pretty obvious problem:
brilliant aap odd even move. cars carrying school kids exempt, & how do parents get back, or then return to pick up kids?
— Hartosh Singh Bal (@HartoshSinghBal) April 7, 2016
Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal admitted this was a real problem and asked Twitterati for help.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) April 7, 2016
Here’s what they suggested:
@ArvindKejriwal @HartoshSinghBal can we ask schools & parents to try and organize special school carpools?
— Raghu Ram (@tweetfromRaghu) April 7, 2016
@tweetfromRaghu @ArvindKejriwal @HartoshSinghBal maybe thevschool can issue a sticker with timings
— Preeti Sharma Menon (@PreetiSMenon) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal It’s hard and can be misused, but you should try to provide 1 guardian pass per child or so. Issued via school.
— Nikhil Jois (@nikhiljoisr) April 7, 2016
@tterIndia @nikhiljoisr @ArvindKejriwal @electric_rahul issue a sticker for the vehicles which carries children to the schools.
— Anshul Bhargava (@anshul_bhargav) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal @HartoshSinghBal remove 10 year old diesel vehicles and its best solution then do more plantation. Make it compulsory to all
— Chaman varshney (@varshneytheneta) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal @HartoshSinghBal schools can give a slip or coupon to parents that can be produced if demanded by police
— sanket (@SmileSanket) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal Postpone the odd even scheme to mid June when schools and colleges have vacations @HartoshSinghBal
— Sujata Suri (@sujatasuri) April 7, 2016
But finally it is Twitter and there’s always jokes
@ArvindKejriwal @HartoshSinghBal Ask parents to click a selfie while kid is in car underway to school..
— Chaudhary Trump™ (@sailorsmoon) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal sir,let the parents also wear school uniform?Or carry a school id ?
— Purple (@Dafruity) April 7, 2016
@ArvindKejriwal Sir parents can drop them on even days & pick them up on odd days . Problem solved .😊https://t.co/IWGaSQzUla
— Design Bandit (@arroworks) April 7, 2016
@arvindkejriwal Thats a real problem chacha ji. Solution is that Go & watch any hollywood movie on traffic based and give review.
— Parveen Swami (@parveensahrawat) April 7, 2016
Has the Delhi Chief Minister got a solution to this problem? Or will more public consultations be needed. We’re waiting to see.