Pushp Sharma, the journalist who wrote the report claiming the AYUSH administration had discriminated against hiring Muslims, was arrested by Delhi Police on Saturday for “fabricating” information. 


Sharma allegedly “fabricated” the RTI reply from The AYUSH administration, published in a report in The Milli Gazzette and other news outlets, that said the Administration did not hire Muslims as Yoga instructors, a report by ABP confirmed. 

The AYUSH Ministry had asked Delhi Police to carry out a probe into the matter of the “fake” RTI reply. 

Twitter/Ministry of Ayush

“The Ministry strongly condemns this piece of misreporting, clearly aimed at causing chasm between different sections of society and promoting disharmony and mistrust with ulterior motives,” the Ministry said in a statement.

The “fake” RTI report was subjected to forensic examinations.  Sharma, who was under constant scrutiny from the Kotla Mubarkbad Police station ever since publication of said report, has denied allegations, maintaining that the RTI in fact was undoctored and authentic, The Times of India reported. 

(Feature Image Source: Twitter/Deepak Jain)