So on Thursday, India Today got us excited with their announcement that they will be airing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first ‘exclusive’ interview post demonetisation. They called it ‘big’ and ‘special’ and what not!
Don’t miss @narendramodi on demonetisation. Big interview on @IndiaToday this evening!
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) December 29, 2016
DeMo deep dive into @narendramodi mind. @PMOIndia first interview post DeMo. Watch special broadcast from 8-11 pm on @IndiaToday
— Rahul Kanwal (@rahulkanwal) December 29, 2016
While all of us were hooked to our TV screens keen to see the Prime Minister appear on screen and dish out all the inside details of the biggest economic move that India has ever seen, all we got was journalist Rahul Kanwal reading out a compilation of answers that he told India Today Group Editorial Director Raj Chengappa.
The said interview will actually appear in the latest issue of India Today magazine.
Viewers were visibly disappointed when nothing of this sort happened. All that was shown were a few tid-bits from the interview that honestly weren’t even a revelation. Sample this:
- I pity the Congress leadership for their desperation
- There is nothing political in demonetisation decision
- It was a tough decision taken to clean up the society
- On Manmohan Singh, Modi said his reference loot was perhaps about the unending string of scams under his leadership
Irritated, here’s how people on Twitter reacted after India Today took all of us for a ride in the name of ‘exclusive’ interview:
#NaMoToIndiaToday Why you are fooling the viewers, this is height & is against the ethics.@aroonpurie @rahulkanwal @sardesairajdeep
— Totlani Krishan (@kktotlani) December 29, 2016
#NaMoToIndiaToday Now we know the difference between this Channel & Times now. They are encashing PM’s name which is shameful.@aroonpurie
— Totlani Krishan (@kktotlani) December 29, 2016
Friends, #BoycottIndiaToday #BoycottAajtak @aroonpurie fooled people of India by not showing #NaMoToIndiaToday iv but stupid blabbering
— Kailash Wagh 🇮🇳 (@kailashwg) December 29, 2016
After Rajdeep’s epic #Interview of d decade fail with Sonia, a new low for #exclusive interviews #NarendraModi #IndiaToday #DeMonetisation
— Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) December 29, 2016
What an idotic way to broadcast an interview. Thanks fir the minutes of meeting @IndiaToday.#NaMoToIndiaToday
— Payel Banerjee (@payelban05) December 29, 2016
#NaMoToIndiaToday What nonsense Yaar, Why you are forcing us to see your useless channel.Come On start Interview.#NamoBestPMOfIndia
— Totlani Krishan (@kktotlani) December 29, 2016
Dei India Today, we can also interview PM Modi like this #Facepalm
— The UnReal Times (@TheUnRealTimes) December 29, 2016
The wire editor should go plugged with high voltage of shock today after this interview #NaMoToIndiaToday
— Ramesh Babu (@actuallycitizen) December 29, 2016
Just when I thought that Modi & journalists had grown up & started answering & asking non-vetted questions.Height of idiocy India Today. 2/2
— Brown Sahiba (@Rajyasree) December 29, 2016
Hahah! PM Narendra Modi’s answers being read out by Rahul Kanwal. And it’s just a compilation of all his speeches. Such fail, India Today.
— Vinayakk (@vinayakkm) December 29, 2016
Morons at IndiaToday should have said, interview excerpts will be read out not shown. #NaMoToIndiaToday #ShameOnIndiaToday
— WIN NOW! GALAXY S7! (@giveawayledd) December 29, 2016
Just when I thought that Modi & journalists had grown up & started answering & asking non-vetted questions.Height of idiocy India Today. 2/2
— Brown Sahiba (@Rajyasree) December 29, 2016