Former Bahujan Samaj Party MP Brajesh Pathak on Monday joined the BJP and said he had faith in its “developmental” agenda for poll-bound Uttar Pradesh. This came just a day after he attended BSP chief Mayawati’s massive rally in Agra and shared the dais with her.
Pathak joined the BJP in the presence of its president Amit Shah and Union minister Mahesh Sharma and was described as a “pillar” in the Hardoi-Unnao region of the state.
Sharma said that Pathak joining the BJP would help the party consolidate its vote bank.
Another jolt to BSP, two-term MP Brajesh Pathak joins BJP
— India Today (@IndiaToday) August 23, 2016
And even as Pathak was at the BJP headquarters formalising his joining of the party, the BSP expelled him for the party, apparently after learning that he seemed to have left the party.
Unlike some BSP leaders, including Swami Prasad Maurya, who tore into BSP supremo Mayawati as they switched sides to the BJP, Pathak did not attack her but said nepotism, corruption and goondaism was rampant in the state.
“I thought any delay will be harmful. Only Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s developmental agenda and Amit Shah’s efforts can rescue UP,” he told reporters.
Brajesh Pathak expelled on Sunday for demanding tickets for kin: BSP
— The Indian Express (@IndianExpress) August 23, 2016
Asked about his presence in the BSP rally and how he was joining BJP less than 24 hours after it, he said he was doing his job in the BSP as long as he was there.
Pathak said he had played a role in swinging Brahmin voters to BSP during the 2007 Assembly polls, but Brahmins were disappointed by the party.
BJP is counting on the former Unnao Lok Sabha MP and ex-Rajya Sabha member, to help it win over Brahmin voters, who are also being wooed by Congress.