The Arvind Kejriwal government on Saturday sacked Kapil Mishra as the water minister, days after he sided with senior party leader Kumar Vishwas who has been at loggerheads with the party leadership.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) also inducted two new faces—Seemapuri MLA Rajendra Pal Gautam and Najafgarh legislator Kailash Gehlot—into the Cabinet. A senior official said the decision to remove Mishra was taken at a cabinet meeting chaired chief minister Arvind Kejriwal.

b’xe2x80x9cI was not informed of the decision and as per my knowledge, it was taken unilaterally by Kejriwal. The Cabinet or the Political Affairs Committee (the AAPxe2x80x99s top decision- making body) was not involved,xe2x80x9d Mishra told PTI. | Source: PTI’

Soon after the move, Mishra claimed he would “expose” the involvement of certain AAP leaders in an alleged scam on Sunday. He said he had met the chief minister earlier in the day and handed over documents related to the alleged scam. 

“I was not informed of the decision and as per my knowledge, it was taken unilaterally by Kejriwal. The Cabinet or the Political Affairs Committee (the AAP’s top decision- making body) was not involved,” Mishra told PTI.

A senior government official said the decision to remove Mishra was taken after it was found that consumers were receiving “inflated” water bills. Sources in the party said Mishra was sacked because of his poor performance. However, the party had considered him as one of the most vocal and active voices in the government until he sided with Vishwas.

(Feature image source: PTI)