Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi kick-started his flagship ‘Khat Pe Charcha’ campaign to woo farmers of Uttar Pradesh in Deoria on Tuesday. However, just after his first rally ended, all hell broke loose as people started taking away the cots which had been placed in the open ground to seat people.

Gandhi started his day pretty sedately. He reached Deoria around 10.45 am by chopper and met with many many farmers. He listened to them and promised them loan waivers and a reduction in power tariff by 50 per cent if voted to power. 

He then had a ‘khat sabha’ where people were seated on cots to listen to the Congress leader. 

But as soon as it was over, everyone at the rally decided to leave with the cot they were sitting on: 

Here’s a video:

Some of them did pretty impressive things to escape with a cot: 

According to a report by Telegraph, 60,000 cots that are estimated to cost Rs 600 each were procured by the party for the party Vice President’s campaign that will cover 2500 km ahead of the state polls next year. 

And obviously everyone on Twitter had a laugh:

The Congress will be hoping that its generosity with the cots will also boost votes for the party in the upcoming elections. 

(With inputs from PTI)

(Feature image source: Twitter| UP Congress)