Times of India is India’s widest read daily newspaper. It has often been plagued with controversies over the kind of content they’ve put out for their readers. The infamous ‘cleavage pictures’ controversy is still fresh in our memories.

Vineet Jain is the Managing Director of India’s largest media group, Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd, also known as the Times Group. Even the aalo-pakoda of Indian journalism, Arnab Goswami, keeps asking for the answer that India needs on a news channel owned by the Times Group.

This is what Mr. Vineet Jain tweeted:


Anyone with a double digit IQ would see the problem with this tweet. It’s ridiculously dumb to even think of indulging in terrorism and he had the audacity to post a poll about the same.

The Twitterati were quick to react to this poll:

Firstly, terrorism should be put an end to. Secondly, our point of attack should be against the terrorist organisations. This is jingoism at best, here. He has managed to put in Pakistan into the argument and all the enthu-cutlet nationalists are on his side. 

What kinds of a person would even think of putting civilian lives at risk? The common man has no tolerance for terrorists and these tweets are a representation of the mindsets of people running these ‘big’ media houses.