He came. He waved. He shook hands. He signed autographs. And he also got a standing ovation multiple times when he addressed a joint meeting of US Congress. In his first ever address to the US lawmakers, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke on subjects ranging from terrorism to spelling bees to highlight the connection between the two nations. And to stress that the bond between the two nations could become even stronger. 

This gives you an idea of the reception he got: 

So what did the Prime Minister speak to US lawmakers about? 

About the Indian Constitution

“For my government, the Constitution is its real holy book. And, in that holy book, freedom of faith, speech and franchise, and equality of all citizens, regardless of background, are enshrined as fundamental rights.”

About the nuclear deal and support for 26/11

“In the fall of 2008, when the Congress passed the India-U.S. Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, it changed the very colours of leaves of our relationship. We thank you for being there when the partnership needed you the most.”

“You have also stood by us in times of sorrow. India will never forget the solidarity shown by the U.S. Congress when terrorists from across our border attacked Mumbai in November of 2008. And for this, we are grateful.”

About what US could learn from India about intellectual property rights and yoga

“SIRI tells us that India’s ancient heritage of Yoga has over 30 million practitioners in the US. It is estimated that more Americans bend for yoga than to throw a curve ball. And, no Mr. Speaker, we have not yet claimed intellectual property right on Yoga. “

About Indian-American spelling bee champions

“Connecting our two nations is also a unique and dynamic bridge of three million Indian Americans. Today, they are among your best CEOs; academics; astronauts; scientists; economists; doctors; even spelling bee champions.”

“They are your strength. They are also the pride of India. They symbolize the best of both our societies. “

About his plan for India for which he wants US as a partner

  • A vibrant rural economy with robust farm sector;
  • A roof over each head and electricity to all households;
  • To skill millions of our youth;
  • Build 100 smart cities;
  • Have a broad band for a billion, and connect our villages to the digital world;
  • And create a twenty-first century rail, road and port infrastructure.
  • These are not just aspirations; they are goals to be reached in a finite time-frame.
  • And, to be achieved with a light carbon foot print, with greater emphasis on renewables. 
b’The Indian PM acknowledges the applause | Source: PIB’

“The need of the hour is for us to deepen our security cooperation.

And, base it on a policy: 

  • that isolates those who harbour, support and sponsor terrorists; 
  • that does not distinguish between “good” and “bad” terrorists; and that delinks religion from terrorism. 
  • Also, for us to succeed, those who believe in humanity must come together to fight for it as one, and speak against this menace in one voice.

Terrorism must be delegitimized.”