The more we travel, the more we become.

Endless poetry has been written about the wonders of exploring our big, beautiful world. Wherever we go, we make new memories. We come across different cultures and landscapes, people and languages. The mind grows, and with it, the soul. Some of us can’t be without venturing out for long. Monotony just doesn’t cut it for us humans. We all crave a change. That’s when we leave our routines behind and take off into the wild. It might be a luxury in reality but never fails to create life-altering experiences. Comfort zones feel good only for a while; eventually we all seek more.

Which is why we bring you these quotes by wise men and women who felt the same. Reading this will most probably make you want to get the hell out of town right now and just be a dreamy wanderer.

Ready to pack your bags already?

Designs: Saurabh Rathore