Have you ever lived with a guy you’ve not grown up with? How was the experience – comfortable, or something you’d happily avoid? Much like women, the opposite gender has its very unique ways of living life on the daily. All of it probably doesn’t make sense to even them all the time, but there’s a lot that definitely leaves women baffled.
Check out some of these quirky tendencies and habits that make living with a guy the stuff of sitcoms and sad stories alike.
1. “Men seem to touch their genitals way more than women. Half the time I look over at my husband and his hand is resting on his crotch.”

2. “They really DO NOT CARE about decorations, knick-knacks, photos etc. The walls and shelves could be completely bare and it really would not bother them. Or you could pack the walls and shelves and surfaces with anything you damn well please and they still would not care.”

3. “So. Much. Pooping. (Alternatively, so much sitting in the bathroom for 45 minutes watching YouTube videos)”

4. “I literally have to spell out to my husband where something is or he can’t see it. That is, instead of saying “babe, your keys are on the shelf”, it’s more like “babe, your keys are on the left hand side of the shelf, above the heater, in the lounge room, in between the speaker and photo frame, if you’re looking at candles you have gone to far to the middle of the shelf.. go back and look again.”

5. “I seriously envy how infrequently he needs to pee.”

6. “Mine washes his work clothing and regular clothing together. Really gross, as he’s a manual labor dude and covered in sweat, grease and god knows what else.”

7. As someone who’s the only girl in all the bands preparing to go on an 8-day tour, men sure do like to helicopter their dicks around.”

8. “He can stick his hand in my purse and instantly find the thing I’ve been searching 10 minutes to find. BAM! Sunglasses found.”

9. “They use so much toilet paper… Living by myself I could make a roll last roughly a week and a half. Moved in with three guys, entire twelve pack of double rolls gone in five days. And that was when I learned to keep a pack in my room and bring a roll with me when I go to the toilet.”

10. “Oh god. My husband always tells me that a man can’t be held accountable for what he does in his sleep, but sometimes those farts kill me.”

11. “They can go for days without showering and can wreck a bathroom quicker than you’d expect.”

Dear men, probably just fix a few things in the hygiene department and rest everything is good to go!