Former Prime Minister of Bhutan Tshering Tobgay, recently shared an adorable picture in which he can be seen carrying wife Tashi Doma on his back.
Not as dashing as Sir Walter Raleigh, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do to keep his lady’s feet clean. 💕
— Tshering Tobgay (@tsheringtobgay) September 12, 2018
The reason? He didn’t want her feet to get dirty (yeah, yeah, you can go ahead with that awww).
In the tweet, he made a reference to Sir Walter Raleigh, who is believed to have laid down his expensive cloak on a puddle because Queen Elizabeth I was supposed to walk on it, and her feet getting wet was just not acceptable.
For centuries, that has been quoted as an example of good manners and thoughtfulness; but it looks like we now have someone new to look up to.
No sooner than the former PM posted this tweet, people started responding and there are no points for guessing what was their reaction.
This remindes me of monika and chandler 😄.Couple goals!
— Ishita Rawat (@IshitaRawat5) September 12, 2018
Personally I think this is more chivalrous then any Act of Pomp and Circumstance.❤💐🙏
— CJ Pande (@cj_pande) September 12, 2018
Just so romantic and loving
— sunil kumar khah (@sunilkhah) September 15, 2018
This is nothing but love! And yes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!! Much love to you both!!!
— alok srivastava (@alokioc) September 14, 2018
If only all the ‘ leaders’ could learn something from you, Sir😀
— avinash agrawal (@allahabadwala) September 12, 2018
Very much appreciated. Thankyou for sharing, you need not to compare with anyone sir, You did what was best for your lady.
— Abhinav Gupta (@abhinavg85) September 15, 2018
If this ain’t romantic then what is . . .
— स्तुति ✈ (@junkkDNA) September 14, 2018
Move over @JustinTrudeau , @tsheringtobgay just stole our hearts
— meetasengupta (@Meetasengupta) September 13, 2018