Forget DMs and Snapchats, you cannot beat the charm of hand-written notes. And as you hand-deliver them to your crush, it could be the beginning of something special. You could be soulmates. You could end up getting married. Or you could end up getting a text from their boyfriend.

It’s what happened to this guy when he poured his heart out in a hand-written note to a girl he liked.

The guy wrote an adorable note (take cues, people) when he wanted to ask a girl out in his class. He hand-delivered the note with a Starbucks drink to avert suspicions.

And got this adorable response from the girl’s boyfriend.

Naturally, Twitter was in awe of the guy and sent out tweets in his support. 

He may not have had any luck with the girl of his dreams, but his tweet has made him popular with a lotta other ladies. 

As one door closes, another opens.