Female bonds and friendships have never been portrayed and talked about fairly enough, be it in movies, books, or real life. 

Only those girls who have had the best of girlfriends in their lives will understand that there’s something special that comes along with female friendship.


Charul Prabhakar, a young poet from Delhi, depicts this amazing bond of sisterhood which often goes unnoticed through her ‘untitled’ poem. After all, this bond needs no titles. The poem was performed by VJ Ramona Arena as part of a series called The Poetist.

If you’ve been to an all-girls school, you’ll surely recount those days, when the school corridors echoed the noise and fun created by you and your friends.

You might not even be able to recall how everyone around you looked like, but the memories of recess, PT period, and endless play is still fresh in our minds.

… and rules. What were they?

Who doesn’t have differences? But we embrace them all when it comes to our BFF. Finding good girlfriends can be one of the hardest things to do, but once you’ve found your soulmate, nothing can be better than that.

The complexities of female friendships go deeper. Deep into each other’s lives. 


Being with our girl besties is still the happiest feeling any girl can have.

They have each other’s backs in happiness and in grief.

From tripping over the latest songs to crying on each other’s shoulders and playing the silliest of pranks, they do it all.

Every moment spent with your bestie is a lifelong learning experience.

It is something beautiful that needs to be recognized. Female friendship isn’t just grabbing coffee and gossiping – it is a sisterhood.

Bromances have always been portrayed as attractive and cool. Why not sisterhood?

Why should boys have all the fun?

We can learn from each other and grow while also taking something important from the relationships that have fizzled out.

This sisterhood is here for us, it always will be. 

Watch the entire video here: