Borussia Dortmund fans are known to be one of the most passionate supporters in the world of football – but this time, they’ve proven their class by offering beds to stranded away fans. This gesture came after three blasts took place before a Champions League match against AS Monaco.

Monaco fans had travelled from France to watch the match, which was postponed due to the attack. This forced many to stay back for an unplanned extra night after the match was rescheduled to Wednesday (2215 IST). 

But home fans joined hands to offer their stranded rivals shelter using the hashtag #bedforawayfans — a move spearheaded by the club itself.

Monaco also reimbursed their fans €80 in addition to helping them find homes for the night.

The hashtag caught on and lots of away fans managed to spend the night at Dortmund fans’ homes.

Monaco fans who were already at the stadium for the game also chanted ‘Dortmund Dortmund’ in support of the home side, whose defender Marc Batra was injured due to the blast. A piece of glass struck him and broke his wrist.

Some Monaco fans also tweeted that they will offer accommodation to Dortmund fans during the second leg of the tie – as a sign of gratitude for this fantastic gesture.

The bus had set off from the team hotel for the Borussia stadium about 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) away when “three explosive charges detonated,” said a police spokesman, Gunnar Wortmann.

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