One sixer, one foreigner, one dreamer and one person suffering from a life-threatening disease: That sums up the essence of the 2011 World Cup final. For us. 

For those who were playing, things were completely different. The players walked into the ground with the weight of expectations on their shoulders. 1.3 billion people wanted them to win; and then there were wishes of ‘The God’ that had to be fulfilled. 

Deccan Chronicle

It wasn’t easy but they did it and today we look back at things that were going through the minds of those who won the trophy for us, those who lost it and one guy who saw us through the process.

I kind of have to end this with the words of current coach and then commentator Ravi Shastri:

Dhoni finishes off in style. A magnificent strike into the crowd. India lift the World Cup after 28 years.