With Tokyo Olympics around, all the countries are striving to win. However, a recent incident where the German coach Claudiu Pusa’s pep talk didn’t include much talking has left people bewildered.


In a video, a German athlete, Martyna Trajdos, is violently shaken and slapped by her coach before an Olympic event.

German judo star Martyna Trajdos was preparing to take on Hungarian opponent Szofi Ozbas in the women’s 63kg category on Tuesday. 

Clearly, people were confused and shocked by the incident. 

Trajdos took to Instagram to defend her coach and insisted he was only doing what she had asked of him. 

“Don’t worry guys! That’s the ritual which I chose before fights. My coach is just doing what I want him to do to fire me up! I wish I could have made a different headline today” she added. 

What do you think about this ritual?