In a night full of emotions after Liverpool’s Champions League win on Saturday, one moment stood out. It was captain Jordan Henderson going to his father, hugging him and crying for a full minute. 

It was especially touching because his father Brian was struggling with throat cancer 6 years ago and asked Jordan not to visit him during the treatment process, fearing that it will wreck him emotionally and affect his football career.

6 years on, Brian and Jordan are both winners and it is just the most heartwarming thing to see.

Before the match, Jordan had said that he would love to make his dad happy by winning the trophy for him. Quoting him, The Telegraph reported:

My dad has been through a lot over the past few years, not only with himself but with his family. I am sure he will be so proud to see us win the game and win the Champions League. It will mean the world to him. I am just glad I can put a smile on his face.

As for Brian, he was just ‘unbelievably proud’ of his son’s achievements and the fact that he did what he had set out to do. 

When he was 10, I took him to see a Champions League final and when they came out to the music he said ‘Dad, I’m going to play there (the final) one day’. Not only once but twice and now he’s won one.

I am crying, you are crying, everyone is crying.