Everyone loves Liverpool’s manager Jurgen Klopp, right? And for the right reasons. For starters, he is a damn good manager. Even I, a lifelong Manchester United fan, will attest to that. 

Liverpool FC

Secondly, he’s articulate and direct in his press conferences without being rude. He’s quite funny as well. And when asked about serious things that are out of his league, he stays true to himself and says as much. 

Bleacher report

At a press conference following Liverpool’s loss against Chelsea, he was asked if he was worried about the spread of the virus. Klopp just straight up said that his opinion on the subject didn’t matter. 

It’s not important what famous people say. We have to speak about things in the right manner, not people with no knowledge like me, talking about something… People with knowledge will talk about it and should tell the people ‘do this, do that, do this,’ and everything will be fine, or not… Politics, coronavirus, why me? I wear a base(ball) cap and have a bad shave.

Twitter has been hailing the Liverpool manager ever since. 

That was a good answer, wasn’t it? We need to stop asking celebrities to talk shit about subjects they are not an expert in.