India faced a devastating loss to Pakistan in the Champions Trophy on Sunday. The mood was of course bleak. But Virat Kohli, in a very captain-like manner, was extremely polite and encouraging even in defeat. He conceded that the other team was better, even shared a few laughs with them and also congratulated his own players for a great tournament. 

His unique ability to draw positives out of negatives is what makes him Virat Kohli. The passion goes beyond the field. You can see it in his persona, you can hear it in his words. The man has matured now. Humble in victory, gracious in defeat.


But you never ever get on his wrong side. He’s a smart, sharp man. Soon after the match, Kohli walked in for the post-match press conference. He looked composed and ready to take questions. But he was still on the losing side, so asking a stupid question is not the way to start.

A Pakistani journalist asked him about “pleasant moments” in the game. And implied, in his own weird way, that the no-ball incident was also pleasant. Maybe he was trying to say something else, but he pushed the wrong buttons. 

Have a look:

Virat quickly regained a calm demeanour and proceeded to answer more questions. But he wasn’t done with that guy yet. When talking about Hardik Pandya’s brilliant knock, the cheeky captain included a small reply for the same journalist, saying that there in fact was a “pleasant moment.”

Check this out:

He’s not your regular leader. Kohli is a charismatic, polarizing character. His aggression is part of his passion. It’s simple. He will always be a gentleman. But you should never mess with Virat Kohli, especially after an unsuccessful run chase in a final against Pakistan.