The All India Football Federation’s (AIFF) website was hacked late on Tuesday night allegedly by a group based out of Pakistan. The website was later restored by AIFF.
The anonymous hackers group called itself ‘Zero Cool’ and they left messages against India and India’s demand for release of Kulbhushan Jadhav.
Jadhav, a former Indian Navy officer, was arrested in Pakistan for ‘illegal entry’ in May 2016.
He was accused of being a Research and Analysis wing (RAW) official and was said to have been involved in ‘subversive’ activities in the Balochistan region of the country. He has been sentenced to death by a Pakistani court.
The hackers also wrote that they will send the dead body of Jadhav to India.
AIFF’s Twitter handle expressed regret over the incident and described it as a ‘reckless sliding tackle’.
Sorry for the inconveniences faced by you due to a technical glitch on . Please stay tuned, we’ll come back shortly.
— Indian Football Team (@IndianFootball) May 9, 2017
UP AND RUNNING! Our website has been restored, after what we call a ‘reckless sliding tackle’, caused us a slight problem. #BackTheBlue
— Indian Football Team (@IndianFootball) May 10, 2017
Feature Image: Screenshot