India’s legendary opening batsman Virender Sehwag is proving to be as entertaining off the field as he was on it. In a recent interview conducted by Vikram Sathaye, Viru held nothing back and gave his fans interesting insights into his life.
If you’ve grown up watching Sachin and Sehwag tear opposition teams apart, this interview will be a massive nostalgia attack for you.
Here are the most ‘Sehwag’ moments from the interview:
1. On being asked about singing while batting in high-pressure situations.
2. How does he manage to remember so many lyrics for so many situations?
3. Why did he say ‘no’ to being on the cover of TIME magazine?
4. Ravi Shastri: “You studied Mendis well. There was preparation. How did you go about it?”
5. On the team’s collective worry for Ajantha Mendis.
6. On Sachin’s advice that if you can spot Murli’s thumb, you can read his bowling.
7. While playing in World XI, Murli was calculating the money each win will get them.
8. On Greg Chappell
9. “In International Cricket, you don’t need a coach, you need a friend who can manage you. But…”