Now I’m the type of person who wouldn’t smile or even say ‘hello’ to anyone at work unless I’ve had a cup of coffee. Coffee is like fuel for my body. Feeling lethargic and sleepy sans caffeine is one thing, but I get super cranky if I don’t get my morning dose of caffeine. So when I found out about Starbucks offering all its delicious and frothy beverages at Rs 100, I just couldn’t keep calm!

And I wasn’t alone. I’m sure now that you know it, you’re freaking out too! (I see you smiling, fellow coffee lover) What’s the occasion, you ask? It’s the International Coffee Week! The good folks at Starbucks are offering all tall and short, handcrafted drinks at just Rs 100 on October 6! Oh, and BTW, Rs 100 includes all taxes so rest assured, you don’t have to shell out a single rupee extra.

Like our very own wish-granting factory, Starbucks is bringing us our favorite drinks at 100 INR. I don’t know about you, but I’ve marked my calendar and there’s no way I am missing out on this. You shouldn’t too, that is, if you don’t want a FOMO attack later (mind you, that happens) when you see everyone posting photos of their Starbucks cups on social media! 

For those of you who aren’t caffeine fanatics perse, you can now try Starbucks at just Rs 100! Doesn’t sound like a bad deal, eh? Oh, and did I mention the beverages that they are serving at just 100 bucks? Here it goes…

Java Chip Frappuccino *slurrp*

Mocha sauce and Frappuccino® chips blended with coffee, milk, and ice, topped with whipped cream. This is what heaven tastes like!

Vanilla Creme Frappuccino *salivates*

This rich and creamy blend of vanilla bean, milk and ice topped with whipped cream takes va-va-vanilla flavor to another level. 

Signature Hot Chocolate… Mmmmhmmmm

This drink has cocoa dust, hot chocolate, and whipped cream… Need I say more?

Caramel Cinnamon Cookie Latte *drools*

Caramel is that heavenly nectar that makes all things taste awesome! This drink is proof!

This and the entire range of Starbucks at just 100 INR! If there’s a paradise for coffee lovers, this is it!

Starbucks is also celebrating Brewtober where each day, there’s a special activity around coffee. It all starts with ‘Travel the World in Seven Sips’ where coffee beans picked from around the world will be featured. ‘Farm to Cup’ is another activity where the journey of the coffee beans to the cup of coffee will be shown. As a true-blue coffee lover, these activities have me excited!

So, guys, October 6 is the date when all your coffee dreams will come true! Prepare your bodies for a caffeine rush and go to Starbucks to sip on your favorite beverages! 

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