After the launch of every highly anticipated device, the Chinese replicas hit the market. Generally, we see these replicas after a couple of weeks. However, this time we saw something different with Apple’s newly launched AirPods Pro.
According to GizmoChina, the Chinese replicas of AirPods Pro, Vpods Pro, surfaced the Internet within 24 hours of the launch. In comparison to the original which is priced at $249, the duplicate model is available at $39.99.
The replicas have a similar in-ear design with silicone buds and an elongated stem that accommodates the charging pin connectors. The charging case comes with three LED indicators that represent the remaining battery of the case.
#AirPodsPro knockoffs coming soon
— Ben Geskin (@BenGeskin) October 29, 2019
While these don’t look exactly like the originals, we know where the name was derived from. According to a known tipster Ben Geskin, the production of exact replicas has already started and they will soon hit the market. The tweet clearly shows a pair of replicas that looks homogenous to the Apple AirPods Pro.
In the past, Chinese manufacturers have managed to make fake AirPods that not only look like originals but also support the quick connect feature despite the lack of an Apple certified H1 chip.
So, it would be interesting to see, to what extent can the AirPods Pro be replicated. Will the fake models also support features like active noise cancellation?
To get answers, we will have to wait until they are released for the public. Would you be interested in getting a pair of fake AirPods for a lesser price?