Amid the ongoing tariff war triggered by the entry of Reliance Jio, India’s largest mobile operator Bharti Airtel on Saturday announced a special 90-day pack that offers unlimited data — 30 GB at 4G speed — for Rs 1,495.

The pack is available for Rs 1,495 for existing users and Rs 1,494 for new users, and effectively brings down 4G data rates to Rs 50 per GB. The data pack will work on 4G handsets.

The company said “fair usage policy will be applicable on the data pack”, which means consumers can avail up to 30 GB of high-speed data over 90 days and once this data limit is exhausted, the internet will continue but on 2G speed.

“Customers with 4G handsets generally consume large amounts of data and this proposition is specifically aimed at them. With this pack, these customers can stay online round the clock without having to worry about exhausting their data limits or going for frequent recharges,” Ajai Puri, Director, Operations (India & South Asia), Bharti Airtel, said.

The pack is currently available in Delhi and will be launched across other circles over the next few days.

(Feature image source: PTI)