As much we all of us love to believe it, photography is not owning the best (read: the most expensive) camera that’s out in the market. If you have a sense about lighting and composition, you can capture some really stunning photographs even with your humble smartphone (yes, I’m talking to you, pretentious DSLR owners). Don’t believe it? Before you start rolling your eyes, check out these 10 awesome smartphone photography hacks that’ll help you shoot like a pro:
“It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument.”– Eve Arnold, Award-winning photographer
1.Put a drop of water on your camera lens to capture some really beautiful macro photographs like…

…the surreal shot of this teeny tiny spider!

2. Use your sunglasses as polarizing filters to capture photographs in different hues and gradients!

3.Turn your smartphone into a pinhole camera by poking a hole in a piece of cardboard and affixing it over your camera’s lens. The vignetting will add a nice vintage effect to your photos.

4. First, cover the lens of your smartphone to lock the exposure. And then, use that exposure setting to shoot stunning high-key portraitsby making your subject stand in front of a white wall.

5. Dab a little bit of vaseline on your camera’s lens and turn ordinary photographs into vintage masterpieces.

6. Use a cool bokeh wallpaper as a backdrop on a screen to shoot professional-looking product photos!

7.Experiment with interesting cutouts and frame your subjects to add a little drama and character in your photographs.

8. Use binder clips to make an easy-peasy DIY tripod.

9. Use your old binoculars as a superzoom lens for your smartphone!

10. And last but not the least, get a pocket reflector or use a thermocol sheet to brighten up your subjects while clicking portraits.

Sure, these hacks can take your smartphone photography to the next level. But you can up your game even more with the new QiKU Q Terra. That’s because the high-spec flagship from QiKU has not one, but two 13 MP rear cameras. One takes a black-and-white picture while the other captures a full punchy snap, which makes for some really amazing photography! You can find out more about its amazing features here.