Currently, there are over 2 billion users worldwide who are actively using Google’s Chrome browser. If you are also one of them and haven’t updated your Chrome browser, your device is open to cyber-attacks.

Daily Express

According to a report by Inc, the recent security flaw is part of Blink, which drives Chrome’s browser engine, was discovered by researchers. An alert by the Center for Internet Security suggests that the flaw lets an attacker install programs, view, change, delete data or create a new account with full user rights.

Daily Express

It doesn’t matter whether you are on Windows, Linux, Chromebook or Mac, this flaw can infect your system as soon as you connect your device to the Internet. However, mobile users are safe as Google says the flaw can’t infect a smartphone. 

What is the solution?

This major security flaw is fixed with the recent update which means you can protect your device by simply updating the browser with the latest version. So, check if your Chrome’s version is 76.0.3809.132, if it’s not, update it immediately.