Telecom and postal service users can now file complaints with the government directly on social media platform Twitter. Communications Minister Manoj Sinha launched Twitter Sewa for registration and resolution of complaints.
Inaugurated “TwitterSewa” a software tool ,to take care of customer complaints at my Twitter handle @manojsinhabjp
— Manoj Sinha (@manojsinhabjp) August 2, 2016
The complaints lodged through Twitter Sewa will be available to the ministry officials and can be categorised as immediate, mid-term and long-term complaints.
With this the department will be able to respond in real-time to complaints, assign it to relevant officers, assign criticality and track the complaints.
“Complaints received against any telecom operator and Department of Post (DOP) on my Twitter handle will be communicated to the concerned telecom operator and DOP immediately for quick resolution and better service,” Sinha said.
The platform will also address the grievances that are raised against private players.
“I hope both government, Private Telecom service provider make use of this tool fullest to its potential to serve the customer,” Sinha said.
Twitter India Head for News, Politics, Government Raheel Khursheed said to register complaints a customer will only need to tweet and the platform will pick key words used in the complaint to forward it to concerned authorities.
“People can use four commands to escalate their complaints. These are #DoTSewa, #BSNLSewa, #MTNLSewa, #PostalSewa,” Khursheed said.
Lodge complaints against any telecom operator & Department of posts at my Twitter handle @manojsinhabjp .
— Manoj Sinha (@manojsinhabjp) August 2, 2016
He said the Twitter Sewa platform is free for government departments and the company expects to gain subscribers in the country from this.
This platform is being used by Railway, External Affairs and Commerce Ministry. The social media giant is in discussion with the Home Ministry, Health Ministry, MyGov etc for bringing them on to this platform.