An 18-year-old boy from Tamil Nadu has created the world’s smallest satellite, naming it ‘KalamSat’.

Developed by Riftah Sharook, who hails from Tamil Nadu’s Pallapatti town, KalamSat weighs only 64 grams and is named after former President APJ Abdul Kalam, reports Business Standard.

b’Riftah Sharook | Source: Facebook’

And according to Times of India, Sharook’s satellite will be launched by NASA on June 21 from Wallops Island.

KalamSat was selected through a competition, ‘Cubes in Space,’ which was jointly organised by NASA and an organisation, ‘I Doodle Learning.’

Sharook told TOI that it will be a sub-orbital flight and once flown into the space, the mission span will be 240 minutes. The main role of the satellite will be to demonstrate the performance of 3-D printed carbon fibre.

Sharook is known to have build the satellite from scratch and his project was funded by an organisation called ‘Space Kidz India’.

(Feature image source: Twitter)