Gone are the days when you needed to put in a huge amount of effort to raise money for something. With the rise of the internet, and crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Indiegogo, it’s become super easy to collect money from strangers. But the earth is not full of smart people who know how exactly they should use these platforms.

Here is a list of some crowdfunding projects, which will make you feel sorry for people who pledged their money to them. 

1. Potato Salad

All this guy wanted was to make a potato salad. He wasn’t even sure what kind. And he asked for a reasonable $10 for it. But something about this, impressed people on the internet so much they decided to give him much more. How much more? About $70,000 more!


2. Lionel Ritchie’s Head

Bestival is a four-day music festival in Isle of Wright, England. The 2013 line-up of this festival included Snoop Dogg, Elton John and a crowdsourced inflatable head of Lionel Ritchie. Yeah, we’re as confused as you are. 


3. Writing Dumb Stuff In the Sky

Comedian Kurt Braunohler wanted people to give him money so he could ‘hire a man in a plane to write stupid things with clouds in the sky.’ Surprisingly, people actually gave him money, and guess what he wrote in the sky. 


4. Miley F*cking T-shirts

‘Somewhere in America, Miley Cyrus is twerking’, Daniel Bañaga wrote on his Kickstarter page and asked people to give him money so that he could print 20 t-shirts which had a twerking Miley Cyrus on them. 


5. Flying Bicycle

Although flying bicycles sound fantastic, we’re not sure how practical they are. Anyway, XploreAir needed £50,000 to create Paravelo, the world’s first flying bicycle. Unfortunately, the idea that it could help you take an ET-style photo against the moon did not impress many people. Sad!


6. Watermelon Holder

Carrying watermelons is not easy. Thankfully, some kind-hearted human being invented a strap that would make it easier. But the cruel internet couldn’t help him raise all the money he needed. Come on people. This was an invention that all of us needed. 


7. Cage Match

Cage Match is pure genius. It is a dating site which matches people based on your interest in Nicolas Cage films. Why it never reached its target of £20,000 is something we’ll never understand. 


8. Vapecase

If you are a vaper, you’ll have your vape pen in one of your hands half the time. And if you are any regular person, you’ll have your phone in one of your hands half the time. The Vapecase simplifies things. A phone case that’s also a vape pen. Saves time and space. Unfortunately, they couldn’t be funded enough. 


9. Paul, The Sexiest Smartphone Charger

Move over your regular boring smartphone chargers. The creators of Paul believe that technology should be sexy. Enter Paul. It has a retractable plug on its behind and the charging pin on the front. Charging your phone would have never been the same again, had this project got the funding it needed.


10. Fish On Wheels

Do you have an aquarium? Do you feel your fish get bored sometimes because they can’t go anywhere? Fish on wheels is your solution. It’s a vehicle that your fish can drive around in. Yes, your fish can steer it in whatever direction it wants. 


11. Drink A Red Bull In Every State

This one is as ridiculous as it gets. Charles Ellingson wanted to create a YouTube video of him drinking a can of Red Bull in every US state. For $1, he’d mention the backer’s name in the video, and for $25, he’d put a sticker with the backer’s name on his Red Bull. Needless to say, this wasn’t successful. 


12. Help Me Buy Clothes From Kanye

We all know Kanye’s clothes are expensive. But we all don’t go on the internet asking people to give money so that we could buy Kanye clothes. This guy though, looks inspired by Kanye himself, who also wanted people to give him money so that he could change the world.


13. Help Ivory Get A Bottle Of Henny

What do you do when you have no money but you’ve got to have a bottle of Hennessy. You ask the internet to contribute. At least this guy is honest.


14. This Guy Needs A Jet.

Another honest guy who does not believe in holding himself back. He straight up asks for $100,000 so that he could buy a jet. Although this man couldn’t meet his target, he had a good start, as someone sent 5 dollars in the first hour.  


15. Meat Soap

People love meat, and people love soap. But combining those two things might not exactly be a good idea. Meat-scented soap, not sure everyone would like that. Going around smelling like meat is not a very appealing idea after all.


16. Puglet

Kevin Broccoli raised $5000 to create Puglet, an all-pug production of Shakespeare’s classic, Hamlet. Now, as you can imagine, collecting many talented pugs and persuading them was not going to be an easy job. It started as a joke, but after he raised the money, he actually went ahead and staged the show, live streaming it for those who could not attend.


17. Emoji Dick

Herman Melville’s Moby Dick is a classic. But readers of today might not be very much into reading long texts. For $3000, Fred Benenson translated Moby Dick to a language that the youth can understand, emojis, using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Although this looks like a useless exercise, you can now buy your own copy for $40.


18. Launch A Tardis Into Space

On the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, some fans wanted to launch a TARDIS into space. The campaign collected almost $90,00 easily exceeding the target of $33,000, but we’re pretty sure no TARDIS has been launched into space yet. No idea, where the backers’ money went.


19. Combat Kitchenware

There are various ways to make your time in kitchen interesting. Never thought making the handles on our pan look like a sword would be one of then. That, though, is exactly what James Brown did, and raised $46,000 for creating these fighting man frying pans.


20. Southpaw Protector

If you are a leftie, writing with pen on paper can be a nightmare. If you’ve also smudged your writing with your hand at one point or the other, this product might interest you, as it did 16 other people who decided to fund this one. 


21. I Will Name Your Dog

What Aaron Schlechter does is give a name to your dog. Why? Because he doesn’t want you to ‘die alone just because you’re terrible at naming dogs and people are constantly judging you because of it.’


22. Cat Erotica Calendar

We know the internet loves cats, but a cat erotica calendar, not sure about that. Michael wanted people on the internet to give him $7500 for cats, their costumes and the production of the calendar. But, he could raise only $101. Who thought people wouldn’t want to spend the whole year looking at cats?


23. Staring At The Camera

People tell Jeremy Bornstein that he has very expressive eyes. So he wants to make a film of himself staring at a camera for 30 minutes, possibly more. Because why not? But why does he need $15,037 for that is beyond our understanding. What’s more surprising is that he did manage to raise more than $1300. 


24. Pet Zombie Rock

No. No one ever wants a Pet zombie, or a pet rock. And why would anyone want a pet zombie rock? Yeah, okay, it’s handcrafted, unique, and comes in a bio-degradable coffin. But no, not interested.


25. Grilled Cheesus

Grilled Cheesus is an electronic sandwich press that toasts the face of Jesus onto your bread. Don’t know why people get so excited about anything that looks like Jesus. But they do, and they gave more than $25000 to bring this product to reality. 


You think you also have a ridiculous idea. Just put it out there, on the internet. Who knows, you might get funded too.