All those iPhone users (especially the ones with 16 GB space) who are fed up with the limited storage, here is something to cheer you up.

A new simple trick has been devised through which users can recover storage space in their iPhones without having to delete data from their phones. This clever method neither requires purchases nor any extra application and it just takes less than five minutes.

This method was first discovered in March by a Reddit user named Eavesdroppingyou.    

YouTube/Andy Selve

These are the quick steps to be followed:

  • Go to iTunes and search for the movie (with a bigger file size than what you have left on storage)
  • Click rent and soon you’ll get the message saying you don’t have enough storage and offers you       to go to settings
  • Click that and magically you will get some storage back (probably it erases some useless data           from different apps to try to download the movie)
  • Repeat the process 4-5 times and you will recover almost 2 GB