In association with Tinder

I don’t know about you, but I tend to be extremely cautious when the date on the calendar turns to 1st April. Naturally, when I was browsing through my news feed, I made sure that I did not open any seemingly safe yet, pranked-up link. However, as I was swiping, I came across something that made me scratch my head, not once, but twice! 

It was a post by Tinder, wherein they were looking for someone to be their “Swiper-In-Chief.”

Needless to say, I was like…

That was before I applied on their application form only to figure out that well, this too good to be true job posting is nothing but an April Fools’ Day prank. I mean, real smooth, Tinder. Real-freaking-smooth. To be honest, it was their job description that got the better of me.

1. So apparently, as the Swiper-In-Chief your core KRA is to swipe, swipe and then swipe some more!

A thousand times to be precise. 

2. You’ll be awarding people on the creativity of their Tinder bios.

Imagine going up to the stage and saying, “And the award for the funniest profile on Tinder goes to…”

3. You’ll get to star in all the TV commercials made by Tinder.

That means screentime on primetime! Now, who doesn’t want that?

4. You’ll get play cupid and curator, both at the same time!

You’ll have to scour the Internet for the coolest, the funniest and the cheesiest GIFs that can help people in wooing their Tinder matches. Now, that’s a big responsibility, isn’t it?

Also Read: April Fools Jokes on Girlfriend

5. You’ll get to wear all the merch that Tinder makes.

Not only will you attending parties and showing off your swag, you’ll be doing in that in official Tinder merchandise. 

6. You’ll meet the creme-da-la-creme of Tinder, face to face.

Please don’t tell me that you just thought that only ordinary peeps like you and me use Tinder. Even celebrities use Tinder. And when you become the esteemed Swiper-In-Chief, you’ll get to hang out with these people and share the limelight with them. 

I can’t even imagine, how my life would have changed, had this job been for real! But life isn’t fair and I just have to suck up to that. On the lighter side, I’m happy that this wasn’t just another run-of-the-mill pranks.

So, while you all mend your broken heart, I shall go back to doing what I do best…

All the GIFs have been sourced from Giphy

Feature image source: TechCrunch