Sometimes, people say or do some of the creepiest things while sleeping that can easily scar you for life. Reddit users shared their stories and experiences and here are some of the best responses.
1. “I heard this from my brother- ‘Don’t kill me, kill Allen’ which is my name.” – Arcknion
2. “My fiance giggled like a school girl one night while I was reading. I asked what’s so funny, giggling too, and he said that an octopus was tickling his belly and kept laughing until my laughter woke him. He remembers nothing.” – Zygomaticus
3. “My roommate once said ‘Please stop watching me.’ We were the only ones in the room and I was on my computer writing an essay, I got really creeped out. I hope he was pulling a prank on me.” – StringTrip
4. “Was woken up by my sleep talking partner repeating my name. It was about 2am-3am in the morning, I asked him what he wants, expecting a dumb response as he was clearly sleep talking. He said ‘don’t look in the wardrobe the deformed men are in there and I’m scared they’re going to get me.’ Really spooked me at the time because his sleep talking is usually weird babbling and nothing too coherent.” – Pokirix
5. “Someone I know used to sit up and laugh loudly in her sleep. Never said anything. Just laughing.” – citronellaspray
6. “When I was about 8 or 9, I was staying at my friend’s house overnight. I woke up to hear her crying and saying ‘no Daddy, no, please, don’t’.” – moreloudlylife
7. “I once had a full on conversation with my best friend while we were sleeping. His gf later told us and thought we were fucking with her.” – 864dmor
16. “When I was younger, I shared a room with my two younger siblings. On one occasion I was woken up in the middle of the night by my brother, who had randomly started to cackle. Now, this was freaky enough in itself but the level of freaky went up a few notches when my sister sat bolt upright and started to laugh also. This continued for probably about 20 seconds before they both laid back down and continued sleeping.” – TheLateNightRedditor
9. “My girlfriend once sat upright in the middle of the night, looked directly at me, and said, ‘it will all disappear… just like the ones you love’. She went to sleep again right after that.” – rhamish
10. “My ex and I were napping on her couch once, and randomly I just wake up to being choked. Seriously, legitimately strangled. She had one hand on my windpipe and was giving me this half asleep ‘devil-look’. I broke her grip and yelled, ‘WHAT THE FUCK [NAME]?’ That broke her trance.” – wachoooom
11. “My roommate at university had weird nightmares. My personal favourite was when we got really drunk and he yelled out in his sleep about JACK DANIELS IS HERE FOR MY KIDNEY! GET A SHOVEL!” – bv310
12. “My mom found me in our kitchen one night when I was young, shaking a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup saying ‘Talk Mrs. Butterworth, talk!’. Never did anything like it again. I have no recollection of it at all.” – durn27
13. “I used to roll over in my sleep and count to my girlfriend. One time, I said ‘one, two, three, four, five, z, t, w, eight’.” – joenuck89
14. “One of my mates has [bad dreams], one time we were [sleeping] on some couches, and I was just dozing off and he sits straight up and says, ‘There are strangers in the corners,’ and just lies back down slowly.” – JamesOfTheYear
15. “One night my wife shoved me awake. I wake up and she’s sitting bolt upright in bed like that chick from Paranormal Activity. She tells me, ‘We’re going to have to make other arrangements!’ Then she takes her wedding ring and stuffs it in my hand. ‘THIS IS FOR YOU! I can’t you believe you did that in front of (our son’s name)!’ She then lays back down and is instantly asleep.” – Jordanlund
16. “When I was younger, I shared a room with my two younger siblings. On one occasion I was woken up in the middle of the night by my brother, who had randomly started to cackle. Now, this was freaky enough in itself but the level of freaky went up a few notches when my sister sat bolt upright and started to laugh also. This continued for probably about 20 seconds before they both laid back down and continued sleeping.” – TheLateNightRedditor
17. “The other night my husband was saying, ‘Jesus Christ is my savior’ over and over and whimpering. We aren’t religious at all. He said he was having a nightmare about demons. The way he was saying it was freaky.” – prettysoitworks
18. “My boyfriend’s parents were sleeping one night, and his dad, in his sleep, pinned his wife’s face down into the bed with his had and angrily said, ‘shut up! SHUT UP! The rednecks are coming’!” – Lindsaythe
19. “My fiancé is a talker and there have been a few weird things. After a particularly long session of watching The Young Turks and political news, he said, ‘he’s a social scum and I’ve got a dagger’.” – madamerimbaud
20. “My ex once shook my awake in the middle of the night and told me, ‘It’s too late to run, they’re already downstairs, but you need to get up, GET UP!’ He looked awake and frightened, so I sat up, and he picked up my pillow, installed it under his own head and closed his eyes again. Completely asleep.” – Anonymous
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