These are not the happiest of times and if there is any relief to be found, it is in giving help and sometimes, receiving it. 

And here is a beautiful thread that serves as an example of the same.

Narrated by Twitter user Gaurav Vats, this is the story of his house help who wanted his help to buy a laptop for her daughter. 

He was more than happy to do so, and also decided to cover the money the laptop was costing, beyond her savings. However, his house help politely refused. 

Her reason was that she wanted to give her daughter the best facilities and do so herself. Speaking more about her, Gaurav wrote that she had a love marriage and decided to have only one child. 

And when things went downhill during covid times, she took it upon herself to support the entire family. 

When she reached home, her daughter called Gaurav and thanked him for the laptop, something that left him very happy.

And in anticipation of rasogullas which did promised to him.

Such a heartwarming story.