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If you are the girl who is in a committed relationship with her scooter, then I can say for sure that you’d go to any lengths to protect your ride from something uncalled for. Taking up the job of making sure it’s well maintained in your able hands is just one of them. Sure, there might be some figuring out to do, but your beloved scooter deserves that, ain’t it? And guess what? We’ve got help! Castrol Activ Scooter’s cool new initiative featuring the bubbly Mithila Palkar has got our back. They are helping us, women, take care of our scooters, rather than depending on our fathers, brothers or even mechanics.

The good thing is that they know how we women, love checklists. So they have made a special list of things we always need to check before we ride our bikes. I, for one, am going to bookmark this for sure. You can learn more about taking care of your ride here. 

So what are you waiting for? #ChalUdteHain