Five years ago, a 14-year-old Pakistani school girl was shot in the head for speaking up for the right to education for girls. Militants boarded her school bus and opened fired, and one bullet ended up hitting her in the shoulder through her head and neck.

Today, we know this braveheart as Malala Yousafzai, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Ever since, her fight for the right to education for girls has only gained momentum.  

Yesterday, Malala received the honorary Canadian citizenship from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The young activist for female education is only the sixth person ever to receive this title.

Now, we all know how much of braveheart the girl is. But not many of us know that she is also quite witty and funny. During her speech at the joint session of the Canadian Parliament, she left Trudeau, his wife and other dignitaries present in splits!

Watch the video here:

Keep up the spirit, Malala!