Just recently, the status of Indian schools has been brought up in the media after the murder of a 7-year-old from Ryan International. But as new chunks of news fly in everyday, it is becoming rather clear that Indian schools are not the ideal place for children, ironically enough.

A shocking incident that took place in UP’s Kanpur is yet another example of how the school authorities are not at all serious about children’s education. It was a regular day for the kids studying in a primary school of Bilhaur’s Nivada, until till their head teacher showed up drunk to class.

The video of this incident was posted by ANI and even though the video is blurred, you can see that the teacher is in no condition to teach. His students surround him to giggle and mock him but he has no idea of what is going on because he is so drunk:

These are the people who shape the future of India by imparting knowledge, but this teacher can’t even sit upright. 

Twitter saw the video and is seething with angry outbursts:

While we can only sit and watch the education system come down, we really hope the government realises its responsibility and does something about the situation immediately.