As the debates around eve-teasing and women safety intensify on prime time, the news of bikers saving a woman from her abductors comes in as a bit of relief. A group of young bikers was eating at a dhaba when they heard the victim’s screams for help, from a moving car. This TOI report detailed how the group wasted no time in chasing the car, caught on to them and rescued the victim.

India Today

According to a DNA report, the biker gang was eating at a dhaba when they heard the woman’s frantic call for help from a car. They immediately alerted the police and began chasing the car. The cops and the youth followed the car and forced the man to pull over. 

Bangalore Bikers

It was also reported that after the bikers rescued the victim, a mob surrounded the car and caught hold of two of the three alleged perpetrators. They pelted stones at the vehicle and then later set it on fire. The victim’s statement included how she knew one of the 3 perpetrators, during her stint as a domestic help in Rohini. She was walking back home when she was offered a lift. As she accepted and entered, she found two others. After some distance, they began touching her inappropriately.


Aman Goyal, one of the bikers told TOI, “the woman was in a state of shock and semi-conscious when we rescued her”. At a time, when the whole Varnika Kundu incident has really snowballed into a debate surrounding the safety of women in India, as much as it is about the hooliganism of those in power – it is important to highlight these incidents which do not get the same kind of coverage since a politician’s son is not involved.


This group of bikers is the example the boys/men of this country need. And more of us need to be prompt with our actions, just like these bikers.