Not a day passes when a woman is not sexually harassed.

Saloni Chopra was harassed, yet again, this time during a poolside photoshoot in Goa. She was sitting in the sun when she noticed the man – who she claims must be her father’s age – filming her and taking photos.

But the unapologetic feminist refused to cow down to the harassment and got a video of the man filming her.

Here is what she posted on Instagram:

And this is her comment accompanying the video:

We need to talk about what happened a couple of days ago. I was shooting in a bikini for a scene at La Cabana Goa – my make up hair team applied bronzer on my body & went to wash their hands. I was rubbing it evenly & sitting in the Sun when I noticed a man, easily my father’s age, taking photos & videos of me. I went over & politely asked him to delete them. He aggressively put his phone in his pocket & said ‘get out’. I was frustrated. He then took it out & said ‘I have none’ as he swiped through my photos (I could see them in his reflection, what a moron). I asked to see his phone & he started to yell at me. Asking me to get lost. I was so taken aback by his attitude. Forget an apology, but to turn around & insult me? I couldn’t believe it.

Saloni later posted another photo with an accompanying comment which again made a lot of sense:

Saying ‘when you put up photos of yourself in bikini’s then what’s wrong with 45 year old men sneaking photos of you on their phone, tum khud bhi toh dikha rahi ho’ is like saying ‘you have sex with a man of your choice, toh phir what is wrong in others doing it with you too?’ It’s an insensitive, baseless, bulshit argument. ‘You were there shooting in a bikini, you were being photographed anyway… toh phir whats the problem?’ Yes, that’s called consent. That’s part of my job. Last time I checked, my job wasn’t to help 45 year old creepy men wank off at night. No girl should have to be liable or responsible for that kind of shit. Walking down the street, wearing what she likes, living her life – she’s not asking to be porned out. Hell, even if she’s making videos with her boyfriend with HER consent – she’s not giving the rest of the world the right to leak it OR watch it OR jerk off to it. The concept of consent is warped to most people over here. If you are a man and you want to release yourself, use the god damn Internet. It is filled with porn. There’s plenty of material there, truuuuust me. Don’t invade other peoples lives without their permission and then blame it on them. #consent #talkaboutit #women #mybody #speakup #india #goa #girls #everydayindia #talkaboutit #educate #awareness

A post shared by Saloni Chopra (@redheadwayfarer) on

You can read her comment here:

Saying ‘when you put up photos of yourself in bikini’s then what’s wrong with 45 year old men sneaking photos of you on their phone, tum khud bhi toh dikha rahi ho’ is like saying ‘you have sex with a man of your choice, toh phir what is wrong in others doing it with you too?’ It’s an insensitive, baseless, bulshit argument. ‘You were there shooting in a bikini, you were being photographed anyway… toh phir whats the problem?’ Yes, that’s called consent. That’s part of my job. Last time I checked, my job wasn’t to help 45 year old creepy men wank off at night.

Kudos to Saloni for not letting the harasser get away with it.