Time and again, women are confined to a set of instructions, moulded into a code of conduct set by society. How to act, how to react, how to be happy, how to look pretty, how to live our lives, everyone seems to have figured it all out, when it comes to women. 

Something as simple as living your life on your own terms becomes a big deal. Which is why, a reminder about “FTW and do whatever you please,” is always welcomed. 

More so, when it comes from Bollywood actress Radhika Apte, who is boldly breaking stereotypes in both Bollywood and otherwise. 

This feel good video for Blush- Find Your Beautiful, featuring Apte, will leave you smiling till the very end:

“You are beautiful because of your curly hair that runs wild in the wind, don’t tame it. You are beautiful because of your skin colour which does not belong to a shade card, but to you. You are beautiful for the uproarious laugh you have, you are beautiful because of the crooked teeth you have, and more importantly you are beautiful because you are you.”

Bookmark this in your head, ladies!