Be it in the professional world, in the world of sports or simply in the world of life, women have long been struggling to make their own rightful place alongside the men that seem to see the world as theirs. For this very reason, every woman that breaks a barrier, empowers not just herself, but countless other women aspiring for greatness.

Nineteen Films via Facebook

P. V. Sindhu’s phenomenal victory at the 2016 Olympics in Rio is not one woman’s victory. It is a reminder to the world that the women of India – no matter their sport or trade or life – are a force to be reckoned with.

Victory, they say, is sweet. But if you ask the lionhearted women that have built success from nothing but their blood, sweat and tears, they may beg to differ on just what ‘jeet ka swaad’ is. And this inspiring video by Nineteen Films does not beat about the bush in saying so.

Watch the complete video here:

So here’s to the power of that glorious swaad of perseverance paying off. And here’s to the power of women that have never shied away from doing. What. It. Takes.