In a first for women in the Muslim religious community, Jamitha Teacher made history when she lead the Jumu’ah–an important congregational Friday prayer for Muslims–in Kerala. 

According to a report by NDTV, She became the first female Imam to have ever done so.

But this momentous achievement did not come easy. She was boycotted from Tiruvananthpuram, Kerala for her questions on religious practices. She even received several death threats and had to leave the city for her safety.


Things started to look upward when Jamitha was invited by the Quran Sunnat Society for a session and had a more positive welcome there. According to the society, it’s the first time in India that a woman Imam has led a congregation.

Quran Sunnat Society says it believes men don’t own Islam and that women have equal rights to this religion, according to the Quran. 

“We started discussing this through deliberate discussions as well as Friday Jumu’ah’s for almost five-six months. People had different opinions. But we based our discussions solely on the Quran and brought everyone on board. It should not be about which faction teaches what, but about Quran teaches.”

Some happy happy news for women all around.