Another day and another incident of a woman being harassed comes to light. A 23-year old woman going to office on Saturday was masturbated at in the Mumbai local.


According to the Hindustan Times, the woman was on her way to office from her brother’s place. She had boarded the ladies compartment of the Belapur-bound local at 10:10 AM. The 30-year-old accused, Krupar Patel boarded the adjoining handicapped compartment.


Within no time, he unzipped his pants and started masturbating while ogling at her. She did not lose nerve despite being the sole occupant of the compartment and recorded the entire act on her mobile phone. 


She submitted the footage to the police at Reay Road station and filed a complaint with the Government Railway Police (GRP).

The 7-minute-long video along with the CCTV footage helped the police to identify and arrest the accused. He was identified as a native of Orissa who was a daily-wage labourer here and slept on the footpath.


Inspector Vilas Chowgule of the CSMT GRP told the Deccan Chronicle:

“We circulated his picture among our informers, which helped us learn that he was a drug addict. We learnt that he used to frequent the CSMT premises and hence we had laid a trap around the station.” 

He was arrested on Monday morning at 6 AM while he was sleeping on a bench outside CSMT station.


The man has been taken into custody and charged under sections 354 (outraging modesty of a woman) and section 509 (word, gesture or action intended to outrage modesty) of the Indian penal code (IPC).